Slug Generator

What is the online URL Slug generator tool?

A URL slug generator tool is an online tool that helps you create a unique and SEO-friendly URL for your website or blog. This is important because a URL that is easy to remember and understand is more likely to be clicked on by users, and it also helps search engines index your site more easily.

What is URL Slug?

A URL slug is a short, descriptive name for a page or piece of content. It's typically used as part of the URL for that page. For example, if you have a blog post with the title "How to Make a perfect url slug", the slug for that post might be "how-to-make-a-perfect-url-slug".

How to use Slug Generator tool?

  1. Enter the text (post title) in the left text box.
  2. Press "Make Slug" button
  3. You will see the result in the right text box.
  4. You can enable interactive mode by clicking the "Auto update" checkbox.
  5. Use the "Copy" button to copy the generated slug into the clipboard.

How to use Slug generator tool

How do you create an URL Slug

There are a few different ways to write a URL slug. The most common way is to use lowercase letters and separate words with dashes. You can also use numbers and underscores, but dashes are more commonly used becase Google uses them as a word separators. Another way to write a URL slug is to use all lowercase letters and separate words with periods.